Carlos Motta, Deus Pobre: Modern Sermons of Communal Lament, 2011 (still). Video, 32 min. Courtesy Galeria Filomena Soares, Lisbon
Queer theology, feminist theology, and a host of new theological movements have transformed American religions but they have done little to disrupt the political economies of otherness. In a culture that is at once deeply spiritual and ideologically secular, the divides between exclusive claims on religion, culture, and politics has prevented meaningful coalitions across these divides to create social change. This talk will examine queer and feminist theologies for ideas for systemic change across political divides.
Jared Gilbert is a Master of Divinity candidate (2012) at Yale Divinity School, where he is the current student body president and the former co-chair of the LGBTQ Coalition. Jared’s interest in theologies of liberation comes out of his own experiences and study of repressive and emancipatory theologies of sexuality, and his studies in womanist theology with Emilie Townes. He recently traveled to Dares Salaam, Tanzania, to explore liberation theologies and social change through participatory theater and is currently researching and writing a practical liberationist ecclesiology. He is preparing for urban ministry in Brooklyn as a pastor with the United Church of Christ.
The presentation of this exhibition is made possible through the following partnerships:
Museum as Hub is made possible by
Museum as Hub and public programs are made possible, in part, by
Endowment support is provided by the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Skadden, Arps Education Programs Fund, and the William Randolph Hearst Endowed Fund for Education Programs at the New Museum.
Education and public programs are made possible by a generous grant from Goldman Sachs Gives at the recommendation of David and Hermine Heller.
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