
Past Events

Week of 02/24/2019–03/02/2019

Join us for a special in-gallery conversation between artist Mariana Castillo Deball and Fordham University Professor Barbara Mundy on “Finding Oneself Outside,” Castillo Deball’s first solo exhibition… Conversations Mariana Castillo Deball in Conversation with Barbara Mundy
Join us for a Family Day inspired by the exhibition “Jeffrey Gibson: The Anthropophagic Effect,” on view at the New Museum from February 13 to June 9, 2019. Using Indigenous handcraft techniques learned… First Saturdays for Families: Intertwined Forms
Please join us for the annual gathering of our Producers Council Members with Lisa Phillips, Toby Devan Lewis Director, and Massimiliano Gioni, Edlis Neeson Artistic Director. The Luncheon will take place… Producers Council Members & Above Membership Producers Council Annual Luncheon
In the premiere of this performance-lecture, commissioned and presented by New Museum affiliate Rhizome, artist Morehshin Allahyari illuminates her concept of digital colonialism in relation to the technology… Performances Physical Tactics for Digital Colonialism
Join us for a New Perspectives tour that explores New York City’s many glowing appearances in the artwork of Nari Ward. Based in Harlem, Ward often incorporates found or salvaged objects that speak to… Tours New Perspectives Tour: The Performing City

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